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3 votes
2 answers

Which is healthier: beef burgers or vegan burgers?

I'm trying to figure out if it's healthier to eat beef burgers or these "vegan burger" alternatives. I know that factory farming is bad for the climate and, of course, the animals. So I ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Multivitamins for vegans?

Are there multivitamins designed for those with a vegan diet? Such that they have proportionally more of the vitamins vegans are deficient in (B12, calcium, etc.)?
Geremia's user avatar
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2 answers

Cyanocobalamin and Methylcobalamin

I am a vegan living in India where the B12 supplements available only contain methylcobalamin and I am taking those. But I have read in Wikipedia and heard on YouTube that cyanocobalamin/...
Wodin Tiw's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Does nutritional yeast count as a food or supplement?

The RDA of B12 is 2.4 mcg in food. For supplements, which are not as well absorbed, the recommended dose is 5-10 mcg (and sometimes higher). So does nooch count as a supplement or food? (Please cite a ...
adamaero's user avatar
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How much myrosinase do mustard sprouts contain?

It is known that ground mustard seeds contain active myrosinase, but what about soaked or sprouted mustard seeds?
storgt2's user avatar
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Are fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E and K, an issue on vegan blood test results?

B12, protein, iron, etc are usually the ones we all hear about. But what about fat soluble vitamins? A vegan diet is characteristically low in fat. Lipids or fats are important to absorb these ...
adamaero's user avatar
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Is there a way of telling if foods are vegan by a single nutrient or a certain combination of nutrients?

The USDA define 235 kinds of nutrients in their database. Is there a nutrient found in all animal products and no plant foods? I read that some foods with zero cholesterol aren't always vegan. But, ...
John's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Is boiling oil seeds and oleaginous fruit as effective as soaking them overnight in cold water?

Those seeds are the base for vegan cheese preparation. In the process of experimenting with making my own vegan cheese, I am wondering whether soaking is equivalent to boiling in this context, since ...
Stephane Rolland's user avatar
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In order to prevent thrombosis, what supplements should vegans take?

In order to avoid thrombosis and for good heart health, what supplements should vegans take? Would taking white egg or yolk or milk cure thrombosis disease?
Nɪsʜᴀɴᴛʜ ॐ's user avatar
3 votes
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Do any vegan foods provide vitamin D₃?

Are there any non-animal whole foods that provide vitamin D₃? I know that vitamin D₃ can be obtained through supplements and vitamin D₂ is found in some mushrooms. Is sunlight the only other way for ...
Nic's user avatar
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Is iron deficiency anemia more common among vegans?

Is iron deficiency (and more severely, iron deficiency anemia) more prevalent among vegans? I've heard people say that it's important to eat red meat to get iron, but I've also heard several anecdotes ...
Nic's user avatar
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Are there risks from eating too much nutritional yeast?

Nutritional yeast is a very high source of protein with about 50% of energy coming from protein content in the food. In addition to protein, nutritional yeast also provides a variety of vitamins and ...
Nic's user avatar
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15 votes
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After how long will one see symptoms of lack of B12?

Suppose a person goes vegan and neither eats food items with B12 nor supplements, i.e., doesn't take vitamin B12 at all. After how much time will the symptoms be visible and after how much time will ...
Ram Keswani's user avatar
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What amount of vitamin B12 is required per day?

I read some questions in this site regarding B12. Some said 50 mcg was required per day, while some said 1000 mcg. While Vegan Society says 3 mcg per day atleast. What is the amount of B12 required ...
Ram Keswani's user avatar
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How can vegans obtain sufficient zinc from whole foods?

Zinc is a mineral that we need in small amount every day for good health. Although zinc is found in many plant foods, it is less concentrated than in many animal-based foods. Males are known to have a ...
Nic's user avatar
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How much coffee/tea can cause you to absorb less plant-based iron?

I recently discovered that iron we get from plants is not absorbed the same way as from meat, it is actually not the exact same iron: nonheme iron (plants) and heme iron (animals). Things can enhance ...
ymoreau's user avatar
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1 answer

How should one adapt a vegetarian diet after breaking a bone?

I was wondering how one should adapt one's diet to optimize bone reconstruction efficiency. Popular knowledge tends to highlight the need for calcium, but I'd like to know if there are any scientific ...
Clément F's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Can vegans get sufficient iodine from plants and iodized salt?

The trace element iodine is an essential nutrient for humans. According to some nutrition professionals, good sources of iodine are iodized salt, seafood and dairy products, while plants might be a ...
cellu's user avatar
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14 votes
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What are the best sources of vitamin B12 for vegetarians?

What are the best sources of vitamin B12 for vegetarians? Can milk and yogurt make up an adequate daily intake?
Priya's user avatar
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When taking B12 supplements, is it a viable strategy to take higher dose every few days as opposed to lower dose every day?

As a recently converted vegan, I first wanted to try out not taking B12 supplements to see if I can get the recommended RDA from fortified foods alone. This turned out to be rather hard and I average ...
Alexander Rossa's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

How to obtain the best iron absorption from spinach?

I've heard that while spinach contains plentiful amounts of iron, the iron content is hard for the human body to digest. Spinach contains oxalic acid that binds with some of the iron, making it ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
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11 votes
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Are (plant-based) vitamin D₂ supplements as effective as vitamin D₃?

Many vegans and non-vegans have low vitamin D levels. Apart from synthesizing it with sunlight, it is possible to ingest it from the diet, but there are no natural, reliable vegan sources of vitamin D,...
Turion's user avatar
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Is Vitamin A plentiful in cooked or raw vegetables?

I have been under word-of-mouth impression that while vitamin A is most replete in meats, a vegan who eats nutrient rich vegetables or sweet potatoes and carrots intakes their full share. However, the ...
djechlin's user avatar
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