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Questions tagged [veganism]

In addition to being vegetarian (do not eat meat, poultry, or fish), vegans do not consume or use any animal products (such as eggs, milk, leather, honey, etc.)

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High Quality Vegan Blackboard Chalk

I recently discovered that Hagoromo chalk is made using crushed oyster shells (mentioned about four minutes into this video). I use a blackboard both to teach a class, as well as for working on my own ...
1000000000's user avatar
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Do adolescents who turn to vegetarianism risk growth stunts

I wanted to ask whether vegetarianism in adolescents stunts growth. I am trying to determine the earliest age at which a person can turn vegetarian. I, am also trying to determine the effects of ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Counter the argument against Veganism

One of the most common arguments presented by non-vegetarians is that plants also have life so why do vegans eat them as well? I try to counter them with statements like they are not sentient and they ...
Ganit's user avatar
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Would vegans wear clothing or eat food made from human slavery?

Considering that vegans think that humans are animals, and vegans are against deriving benefit from animals, especially those who are abused who didn't agree to work for whoever is benefitting from ...
Yaakov Yitzchak ben Moshe's user avatar
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How is taurine for cats synthesized?

I've read that taurine can be synthesized and given to cats, so that they may follow a vegan diet. I was wondering if anyone could please describe in detail how this is done in practice, describing ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
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Is cheap soap vegan?

What ingredients in soap are not vegan? I'm not asking if soaps that are labeled "vegan" are vegan. That's obvious. I live in a very small town in South America. Actually I have to travel 20 ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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What are the ratios of vegetarians across genders?

What is the percent composition of vegetarians and vegans across the genders worldwide? Which gender has the most number of vegetarians? Which gender has the most number of vegans?
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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Is L-Cysteine (E920) Vegan?

Is L-Cysteine (E920 -- the dough conditioner) vegan? I'm looking to buy a pizza from a restaurant. While most pizza dough is very simple and vegan by default -- on review of their pizza dough ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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Is aquaponic lettuce vegan?

Is it vegan to eat lettuce that was grown aquaponically? Aquaponics is a method of growing plants using hydroponics, but where the nutrients in the water come from aquatic animals such as fish, ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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What brands offer single wrapped vegan chocolates in Southeast USA?

My office typically purchases a bag of mixed chocolate candies such as Hershey's, Snickers, KitKat etc. My office manager is looking to provide vegan chocolate options as well. Vegan chocolate bars ...
Goldfishlaser's user avatar
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Are there any vegan leathers suitable for tooling?

Before going vegan, I appreciated the art of tooled leather. I'm curious whether there are any vegan leathers that are suitable to be used for tooling? I'd also be curious to learn about any artists ...
Goldfishlaser's user avatar
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Which is healthier: beef burgers or vegan burgers?

I'm trying to figure out if it's healthier to eat beef burgers or these "vegan burger" alternatives. I know that factory farming is bad for the climate and, of course, the animals. So I ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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Is "Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein" (HVP) vegan?

Is Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP) vegan? The name suggests that maybe it's derived wholly from vegetables, but the following snippet from Wikipedia is concerning: Hydrolyzed vegetable protein (...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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Which countries regulate use of the term "vegan"?

Which countries have laws that make it illegal to label a product as "vegan" if it contains parts from animals (or insects)? Unfortunately, I've seen a lot of products marked "vegan&...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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Are M1 MacBook Airs vegan or no?

So, lately I read of most laptops not being vegan friendly because they have some animal-derived items, like LCD Screens, Batteries, ETC. I really want to know if apple uses 100% animal free items on ...
Anomynous's user avatar
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Which vegan WWE athletes were mentioned in 'The Plant-Based Athlete'?

I returned my copy of The Plant Based Athlete by Matt Frazier and Robert Cheeke, but I recall it mentioned a handful of plant-based WWE superstars. Who were they?
Azor Ahai -him-'s user avatar
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How likely is it for vegan labeled food to use bone char filleted sugar?

I am in the USA to give context.
Conan Highwoods's user avatar
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Does bean/pea milk made by just blending cooked beans/peas come out just as well as making it by blending soaked beans/peas and boiling them?

So I am vegan and make my own bean and pea milk using mostly Northern White beans and green split peas(finding the yellow ones is a bit hard). I have not made soymilk yet. Anyway, the way I make the ...
Conan Highwoods's user avatar
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Alternative to legumes when composing vegan daily menu

What is the alternative to the legumes when composing vegan daily menu? The assumptions are, that you need to provide full mix of exogenous amino acids every 24 h to prevent muscle decrease (correct ...
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Transforming vegan food externally for absorption by cats (and their digestive system)

This post may well be better suited for the biology or medical sciences Stack Exchange. For safety, and, also, because, there may be more dieticians on this site, if, they may be helpful (perhaps or ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
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Should a vegan be concerned about choline intake?

Choline is an essential nutrient for human health and may be hard to get for both vegans and vegetarians. The daily Adequate Intake (AI) for choline is 550 mg for men and 425-450 mg for women (up to ...
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When a non-food product (e.g. shampoo) is labelled as "vegan", does this imply that no ingredients were tested on animals?

Various products including shampoos are labelled as "vegan" or "vegan-friendly". Does this exclude their containing ingredients tested on animals? (I have read this question and ...
Mary Donald's user avatar
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Need help in transitioning to vegetarianism/veganism due to allergies. What choices do I have?

Preface I've spent a year as a vegetarian and I tried to go vegan (for the ethical argument), but I could only last about a month (28 days, to be precise). As the new year is coming, I'm wondering if ...
Joe-You-Know's user avatar
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Can "vegan" mean "lacking animal proteins"?

Can "vegan" mean "lacking animal proteins" (as opposed to "harming animals" etc.), in order to emphasize the nutritional differences and health effects of animal vs. ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Does honey contain animal proteins?

From a nutritional standpoint, is honey vegan? Or does it contain animal proteins? related: "Is honey considered vegan?"
Geremia's user avatar
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Can I neuter/spay/desex my dogs as a vegan?

We have 2 male dogs and one younger female dog at home and all of them are intact. The problem is that our male dogs are aggressive and sometimes fight really hard over our female dog. My vet told me ...
Mahyar Shokraeian's user avatar
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What is the appropriate egg substitute for different types of vegan bakes?

When baking, I often end up working with egg substitutes based on what I have on hand at the moment. I know a few egg substitute tricks including applesauce, flaxseed, chia seeds, or store-bought ...
youreawizardcarrie's user avatar
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Should real honey be reserved for medical purposes for the wellbeing of the world's bees? [closed]

Honey has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, and recent studies have shown that it can be effective in treating a variety of ailments. Honey is a natural antibacterial agent, and it has ...
sony_sherpa's user avatar
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Is vegan honey equivalent to the one made by bees?

Though it may surprise some, bees are able to produce honey without including any animal products. In fact, all bees produce vegan honey - it's only when honey is processed with animal products that ...
sony_sherpa's user avatar
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Is eating vegan expensive?

Is it possible to eat a plant-based diet on a limited budget? For environmental reasons, I want to switch to a vegan diet. So I went to the grocery store and checked-out their vegan section. But ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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Strategy for Veganism and Intermittent (18:6) Fasting?

I have followed a vegan diet for 12 years and I am more than happy with this choice, both the effects on my own well-being and the implications of this choice for the well-being of both animals and ...
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How to cook or purchase vegan lab meat for cats

I would like to know, what is the best way to prepare a cultured lab meat cell complex, so that you may prepare it for your cat, and, then, your cat may eat it (using only lab meat and vegan ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
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Is there a place with list of (common) arguments against veganism?

I am curious whether there's a website or a list containing most arguments people have for not going vegan or the reason why they are against veganism (like plants have feelings, we need animal ...
Sasho Andrijeski's user avatar
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Best environmentally friendly dairy free milk?

There are so many dairy-free milk options out there, but it is hard to determine if some are actually more detrimental to the environment (almond milk, for example has a high sustainability rating on ...
Genevieve's user avatar
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Do vegans have higher testosterone levels?

Do vegans have higher testosterone levels than non-vegans? cf. "Does eating soy lower testosterone?" There are studies that show fasting increases T levels, too.
Geremia's user avatar
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Option for Vegetarian Meat Substitutes

I have recently changed to a plant based diet primarily for health reasons. I have coronary artery disease and I am not convinced that statin drugs alone are enough. I am wondering what are the best ...
DeLuz's user avatar
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Is there convincing RCT research showing a plant-based diet can reverse or reduce the risk of serious diseases when compared to a "healthy" omni diet?

If you want you can skip the explanation and skip straight to the bottom, where I say exactly what I am looking for. I was talking to my step-dad today and mentioned the recent Oxford study that ...
Fiksdal's user avatar
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Multivitamins for vegans?

Are there multivitamins designed for those with a vegan diet? Such that they have proportionally more of the vitamins vegans are deficient in (B12, calcium, etc.)?
Geremia's user avatar
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Are vegan supplements truly vegan? [duplicate]

I'm not vegan, but I've always wondered: are vegan supplements truly vegan? What I mean by this is that vitamin B12 usually only comes from animals. So is it truly possible to be completely vegan?
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Do vegans need to consider reduction in angiogenesis?

Polyphenols play a role in the reduction of inflammatory angiogenesis during cancer treatments, primarily administered as part of a diet (Mediterranean). Do vegans, or people who follow other plant ...
Yugenswitch's user avatar
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How to become vegan if I belong to sub-arctic region?

I want to become vegan but my environment doesn't allow me as I belong to Oymyakonsky district, Sakha Republic. We people of Oymyakonsky eat lot of meat and fish to keep ourselves warm and also ...
Anastasia Calazans's user avatar
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Non-Lethal Pest Deterrents in a Home Garden

tl;dr version - How can I keep away destructive insects from the garden, without harming them or pollinators? So first off, I'm torn between posting this here or the Gardening & Landscaping SE, ...
Joe's user avatar
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Is it ok for vegans to eat flour-based food?

Flour is produced out of grain. Grain is kept in silos. And it takes lots of effort to keep the silos safe from pests and rodents. So how is it considered vegan to eat food whose production requires ...
Lukasz's user avatar
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What do you use instead of butter (on pancakes)?

I just recently started a vegan diet about a month ago. I've been enjoying several vegan pancake recipes, but I'm not sure what to use instead of butter for the topping? I know some margarines are ...
Bryan Dellinger's user avatar
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Do cows sometime hide their calves because of fear they'll be taken away?

There are many posts and videos reporting that a cow hid her calves because she knew farmers would take her away. But according to this site, Most cows will hide their newborn for the first couple of ...
Daud's user avatar
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Is there a vegan or vegetarian instant noodles?

In Australia, but don't mind global suggestions. I have tried looking for some good noodles that are decent and are on the hot and spicy side of the flavour scale.
school student in uni's user avatar
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Calcium bioavailability in traditional tofu?

As a vegan, I intend to use tofu as my main source of protein, iron and calcium. Therefore, I am concerned about bioavailability (i.e. absorption divided by intake) of iron and calcium in tofu. As far ...
inverse's user avatar
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COVID-19 vaccine considerations for vegans

I live a vegan lifestyle, as far as I'm aware. (I don't knowingly make decisions otherwise*.) I don't want to be speciesist. Ideally, I want to live by principles that if all other humans followed ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Kombucha as a vitamin B12 source

Kombucha can have very high amounts of vitamin B12 (e.g. Where does the vitamin B12 come from?...
cerv21's user avatar
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Where can I find a cheap vegan protein bar?

I weight lift 6 times a week as I'm trying to build muscle. I am vegetarian but I try to limit my amount of dairy intake. I am eating PURE Protein Bars as snacks between my regular meals. They cost ...
Jaiz Waheed's user avatar

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