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Questions tagged [sustainability]

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5 votes
1 answer

Best way to get rid of the smell of cooking meat?

How do I clear the smell of meat? A few times per week, my housemate buys meat from the store and burns it in the oven for a few hours. The resulting smell is horrendous. Of course, I open the windows ...
truthfulriver's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Best environmentally friendly dairy free milk?

There are so many dairy-free milk options out there, but it is hard to determine if some are actually more detrimental to the environment (almond milk, for example has a high sustainability rating on ...
Genevieve's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How would a widespread plant-based diet influence the maximum sustainable human population on earth?

A meta-analysis of studies on the maximum sustainable human population on earth found the median estimate to be 7.7 billion people1. Earth's current human population is about 7.5 billion and is ...
nloewen's user avatar
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8 votes
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Are insects a feasible source of proteins for the new millennium?

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has recently focused on insects as a source of proteins for the increasing population (1). However this makes me doubt, being insects on the second level of ...
Attilio's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Vegetarianism and feeding more people

A vegetarian meal takes much less resources to grow as compared to a non-vegetarian meal. Has any research been done to quantify this effect? e.g. If a non-vegetarian person goes vegetarian, how many ...
Amit Saxena's user avatar