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Questions tagged [vegan-gardening]

Questions relating to home gardening practices that avoid/minimize the use of derived products, and animal harm/exploitation

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Non-Lethal Pest Deterrents in a Home Garden

tl;dr version - How can I keep away destructive insects from the garden, without harming them or pollinators? So first off, I'm torn between posting this here or the Gardening & Landscaping SE, ...
Joe's user avatar
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Are there any cruelty-free weedkillers or other cruelty-free methods for de-weeding driveways?

I need to de-weed a driveway and paths that are completely ravaged by weeds. I am not able to do this repeatedly and so just digging the weeds out does not seem to be a good option especially given a ...
Araucaria - Him's user avatar
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Are Root Vegatables Vegan?

Some Jains exclude all root vegetables from their diet. Theravadan monks are also not allowed to dig in the soil, but they must eat what is given them for dana. (All of the people at the temples know ...
C.S.Cameron's user avatar