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TheIn 2014 researchers from the Medical University of Graz published a study, The Association between Eating Behavior and Various Health Parameters which concluded in the abstract:

... a vegetarian diet is associated with poorer health (higher incidences of cancer, allergies, and mental health disorders), a higher need for health care, and poorer quality of life.

The study was subsequently reported on by the media with titles like reported here"Vegetarians are 'less healthy and have a lower quality of life than meat-eaters", "suggests non-meat eaters are more at risk of physical and mental illnesses" (

The article Are Vegetarians Less Healthy than Meat-Eaters? (from a vegan is pointing out some issues with the study, but I wanted to know if other scientists have also pointed out some issues with the study, or if this is the accepted wisdom today.

Any credible links discussing the study (in lay terms) would also be welcome.

The 2014 study, reported here, "suggests non-meat eaters are more at risk of physical and mental illnesses".

The article Are Vegetarians Less Healthy than Meat-Eaters? (from a vegan site) is pointing out some issues with the study, but I wanted to know if other scientists have also pointed out some issues with the study, or if this is the accepted wisdom today.

Any credible links discussing the study (in lay terms) would also be welcome.

In 2014 researchers from the Medical University of Graz published a study The Association between Eating Behavior and Various Health Parameters which concluded in the abstract:

... a vegetarian diet is associated with poorer health (higher incidences of cancer, allergies, and mental health disorders), a higher need for health care, and poorer quality of life.

The study was subsequently reported on by the media with titles like "Vegetarians are 'less healthy and have a lower quality of life than meat-eaters" (

The article Are Vegetarians Less Healthy than Meat-Eaters? ( is pointing out some issues with the study, but I wanted to know if other scientists have also pointed out some issues with the study, or if this is the accepted wisdom today.

Any credible links discussing the study (in lay terms) would also be welcome.

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The 2014 study, reported here "suggests non-meat eaters are more at risk of physical and mental illnesses"reported here, "suggests non-meat eaters are more at risk of physical and mental illnesses".

I found aThe article linkAre Vegetarians Less Healthy than Meat-Eaters? (from a vegan site) is pointing out some issues with the study, but I wanted to know if other scientists have also pointed out some issues with the study, or if this is the accepted wisdom today.

Any credible links discussing the study (in lay terms) would also be welcome.

The 2014 study, reported here "suggests non-meat eaters are more at risk of physical and mental illnesses".

I found a link (from a vegan site) pointing out some issues with the study, but I wanted to know if other scientists have also pointed out some issues with the study, or if this is the accepted wisdom today.

Any credible links discussing the study (in lay terms) would also be welcome.

The 2014 study, reported here, "suggests non-meat eaters are more at risk of physical and mental illnesses".

The article Are Vegetarians Less Healthy than Meat-Eaters? (from a vegan site) is pointing out some issues with the study, but I wanted to know if other scientists have also pointed out some issues with the study, or if this is the accepted wisdom today.

Any credible links discussing the study (in lay terms) would also be welcome.

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Is the 2014 study saying vegetarian diet is worse than an omnivorous one, still valid?

The 2014 study, reported here "suggests non-meat eaters are more at risk of physical and mental illnesses".

I found a link (from a vegan site) pointing out some issues with the study, but I wanted to know if other scientists have also pointed out some issues with the study, or if this is the accepted wisdom today.

Any credible links discussing the study (in lay terms) would also be welcome.