###Let them bring the topic to you
Let them bring the topic to you
I always say that I'm a vegan if eating out, meat or animal ethics are mentioned, and I always explain why if asked. Otherwise I never bring up the topic directly. However, I find that I get more than enough challenges and questions from omnivores to be constantly discussing and explaining why I'm a vegan. And I'm an introvert! I don't talk to that many people.
###Be an example
Be an example
If someone compliments me on my clear skin, apparent health or fitness or general exuberance, I say "I think it's the vegan diet."
###Use cake
Use cake
Feed people delicious things. Post pictures of the delicious things you are eating on social media. Give cake. In my experience this very often leads to a pleasant (because cake makes everything nice) discussion of why you are veg*n and how great it is (seriously, vegan cake is the best).