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28 votes

Do any major religions promote or require a vegetarian diet?

Jainism: Jainism preaches vegetarianism and Jains follow an almost-vegan diet (but eat yogurt and curd cheese). Jain monks leave the rest of the food if they see a strand of hair in their plate ...
Nog Shine's user avatar
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17 votes

Why are a lot of beer and wines non-vegetarian?

From the searchable "is your booze vegan" directory Barnivore website: It might seem weird at first, but your favourite drink might have more than just alcohol in it. Brewmasters, winemakers,...
LennonR's user avatar
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17 votes

Are meat substitutes necessary for a vegetarian lifestyle?

No, these fake meats are not necessary for a good vegetarian diet. In my opinion, they are mostly not tasty, fatty and not healthy. Also, heavily processed food, like they often are, reduces the ...
Den's user avatar
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16 votes

Reasons why a Vegetarian/Vegan would eat a meat-substitute food

(icluding vegans when I speak of vegetarians) There is no contradiction between being vegetarian and liking the flavor/texture of meat. There are many reasons for stopping to eat meat, only one of ...
unor's user avatar
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13 votes

Is it safe to feed children a vegetarian diet?

A very good article regarding vegetarian eating for children and adolescents, from a medical source can be found here. It is quite long and covers the main problems related to possible nutritional ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Is the 2014 study saying vegetarian diet is worse than an omnivorous one, still valid?

The study is still "valid" in the sense that PLOS One has not retracted the publication. This means the work was done in good faith and the methodology is acceptable, but it does not necessarily mean ...
Nic's user avatar
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12 votes

Do any major religions promote or require a vegetarian diet?

Not a religion, but a philosophy, the Taoist I didn't know until today when I got this answer Reasons for being vegetarian or vegan other than ethical reasons? As stated in Wikipedia Taoist ...
I.G. Pascual's user avatar
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10 votes

What do you call an almost vegetarian diet that includes honey and insects, but excludes milk and eggs?

If you really want a word for this, I'll make one up for you. Call it entomophagous vegan. Entomophagous is the adjective for eating insects. You can also say plant and insect based diet. But there ...
WetlabStudent's user avatar
10 votes

Do any major religions promote or require a vegetarian diet?

Vegetarianism and religion are strongly linked in a number of religions that originated in ancient India (Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism). In Jainism vegetarianism is mandatory for everyone, in ...
Steve's user avatar
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Which country has the highest number of vegetarians?

Luckily, Wikipedia has a page called Vegetarianism by country which has a table listing data for 38 countries. Sorted by percentage: India: 31% (375,000,000 people, 2014) [no surprise here] Brazil: ...
mic's user avatar
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9 votes

Relationship between vegetarianism and global warming

There is an Oxford University study on the Dietary greenhouse gas emissions of meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans in the UK it concludes that average 2,000 kcal high meat diet ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
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9 votes

Is the human body naturally made for a vegetarian diet?

This is hard to answer objectively. Especially when dealing with the "natural" concept. According to this Nature article, eating meat significantly helped human evolution. More specifically, ...
Alexei's user avatar
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8 votes

How I can I convince my (Moroccan) family it's OK to go vegetarian?

there is a saying in India which says "iron cuts the iron". Similarly, good food can replace good food. By cooking good veg dishes , you can make room for veg food on the dinner table. You don't even ...
sbharti's user avatar
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Are there any famous world leaders (politics, religion) who are vegan/vegetarian?

The following politicians are listed on this List of vegetarians on Wikipedia: Hilary Benn, Cory Booker, Wouter Bos, Fenner Brockway, Kathalijne Buitenweg, Jeremy Corbyn, Stafford Cripps, Morarji ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Are there any famous world leaders (politics, religion) who are vegan/vegetarian?

Narendra Modi the Prime Minister of India is vegetarian
Steve's user avatar
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Would vegetarians eat an animal that died of natural causes?

Another factor is disgust. When you are used to not eating animals, it becomes difficult to see animals as food, even if you did eat them at some previous time. I do not even walk in the "meat" aisle ...
Zanna's user avatar
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7 votes

Do any major religions promote or require a vegetarian diet?

One Christian denomination that promotes vegetarianism is the Seventh-Day Adventist church. According to the LA Times, studies have found that Seventh-Day Adventists live up to ten years longer on ...
Darrin Thomas's user avatar
7 votes

Do any major religions promote or require a vegetarian diet?

Jains are vegetarian. Their diet also excludes various vegetables such as potatoes, eggplants (aubergines), onions and garlic. Some Jains also exclude all root vegetables from their diet. They are ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
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Are vegetarian and vegan micronutrient needs the same as traditional diets?

The matter is vast, so it's difficult to give a complete answer. I start a community wiki and I hope more participants to improve my answer. Iron requirements The American Dietetic Association's "...
6 votes

Relationship between vegetarianism and global warming

The most extensive study and publication on this subject is 2006 FAO's report titled "Livestock's long shadow". In chapter 4 it analyzes the role of livestock industry in greenhouse gases emissions ...
Attilio's user avatar
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What are the top causes of death for vegetarians?

Definitely an interesting question. I will try to answer it using list of causes of death from Wikipedia (the table contains rather old data, but it has improved readability over the newer one ...
Alexei's user avatar
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6 votes

What are the top causes of death for vegetarians?

Some studies have been conducted on this topic. The "top ten" is roughly the same for meat-eaters. However, since cardiovascular diseases have a much lower impact, malignant neoplasms get to be the ...
Attilio's user avatar
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5 votes

What are the health benefits of vegetarianism?

I gave an answer on Health Stack Exchange. Maybe it's worth quoting it here: This subject is very broad and a detailed answer would require to be a whole book. Shortly I can say that vegetarians ...
Attilio's user avatar
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5 votes

Is it safe to feed children a vegetarian diet?

Yes, it is safe to feed your children the vegetarian diet. I have grown up as a vegetarian. Most of the meals would include Stir-fried vegetables Freshly made Chapati/Indian bread (from the wheat/...
PinkBanter's user avatar
5 votes

Is the human body naturally made for a vegetarian diet?

In addition to Alexei's answer, it's worth to cite a few more facts. Humans are most closely related to the great apes. Humans and apes are remarkably similar biologically. In the wild, apes and ...
Attilio's user avatar
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5 votes

Are meat substitutes necessary for a vegetarian lifestyle?

No, meat substitutes are not necessary nutritionally nor socially. Socially Grilled vegetables are great at a BBQs! Veggies The following items are great on the grill. Either put a fine metal mesh ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
5 votes

How much is a person's greenhouse gas footprint reduced by eating vegetarian?

See this article: The carbon footprint of 5 diets compared - It suggests that the average person produces 2.5 CO2e a year while a vegetarian only produces 1.7 CO2e a year, and ...
atoms118's user avatar
5 votes

Tips on staying healthy as a vegan who travels a lot?

I travel quite a bit and for me using apps like Happy Cow ,which locates veg*n restaurants near you, has been very useful. You can try using this kind of apps to look for something that is both ...
S -'s user avatar
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Would vegetarians eat an animal that died of natural causes?

I am an “ethical vegan”; consequently I don’t eat animals or animal products, the same way one wouldn’t eat a person who had committed suicide or died of natural causes. You wouldn’t leave them to be ...
M.Mat's user avatar
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