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11 votes

Are mango seeds edible?

Yes! You're completely safe to blend in the pit in terms of healthiness. However, I make no guarantee your blender won't go kaboom. More information regarding the seeds. Do note that other ...
Riker's user avatar
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5 votes

What place do chia seeds have in cooking?

Chia seeds have a very mild nutty flavor. I put them in smoothies. I use a Bullet blender and just toss them in. Favorite smoothies: Carrot, celery, 🍏 apple, chia seeds, orange juice; Pineapple juice,...
M.Mat's user avatar
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How does cooking affect Omega 3 oils in flax, chia and other seeds?

I remember seeing some information about this before when I started supplementing flax meal in my diet. I remember that flax seed oil cannot be heated but whole flax and flax meal can be. I also ...
Benjamin Kelley's user avatar
3 votes

Are mango seeds edible?

Yes, it is safe to eat the mango seed. Often it is boiled, dried, fried and then used as a breath freshener in India. Some people make it into a powder and mix with flour when making chapati. You can ...
Jack Young's user avatar
1 vote

Are hemp, flax, chia, and sesame generally raw?

It seems like heat processing (Pasteurization) is normally used for all of these seeds, unless otherwise marked. Hemp seeds (hemp hearts) One brain claims that many other brands of hemp seeds are ...
Nic's user avatar
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What place do chia seeds have in cooking?

Chia seeds form a very viscous substance when soaked. This is similar to the behaviour of flax seeds, but chia seeds have a much more neutral flavour that goes well with sweet foods. It is a popular ...
Zanna's user avatar
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1 vote

What place do chia seeds have in cooking?

Chia Egg Substitute for Baking 1 Tbsp Chia Seeds 2.5 Tbsp water Berry Chia Jelly INGREDIENTS 10 to 12 ounces (around 2 ½ cups) frozen raspberries, preferably organic 10 to ...
NitrusInc's user avatar
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