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30 votes

If vegans don't drink milk, why are they okay with breastfeeding?

Consent is one issue, Mothers have a choice, animals don't, we can't ask them whether they want to participate. Milk production involves female cows and to get them you need male cows. Male cows are ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
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25 votes

If vegans don't drink milk, why are they okay with breastfeeding?

Vegans do not have a problem with 'a mother cow breastfeeding their babies'. Vegans have a problem with humans consuming a cow's breastmilk. It is natural for a woman to breastfeed a child. It is not ...
sandwich_messiah's user avatar
6 votes

Best environmentally friendly dairy free milk?

There is one study that I stumbled upon recently. Of course I'm unable to verify this myself, but some trustworthy media like The Guardian and New York Times have articles citing it. According to ...
Sasho Andrijeski's user avatar
5 votes

If vegans don't drink milk, why are they okay with breastfeeding?

You have asked about animal cruelty, animal product or something else. I would argue that because of each one of these things: Animal cruelty: To satisfy the demand of our booming population, milk ...
Alexander Rossa's user avatar
5 votes

If vegans don't drink milk, why are they okay with breastfeeding?

Besides the information within the provided answers, there are also other forces in the big picture: Instinct, the breastfeeding instinct exists in virtually all babies and this a powerful reason for ...
Alexei's user avatar
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5 votes

How Long Have People Called Plant Milk "Milk"?

I don't know about thousands of years, but in the Middle Ages in Europe almond milk was used as a substitute for milk on religious fast days, such as Fridays and during Lent, when drinking real milk ...
A. B.'s user avatar
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4 votes

Have there been any studies comparing milk consuming countries against mainly vegan countries?

From the data about per capita milk consumption and veganism in various countries and prevalence of various diseases in those countries, you can't make any reliable conclusions about the effect of ...
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

Milk not associated to cow slaughter

Entrepreneurs will do whatever it takes to make money and sugar coat the story. The reality is that even if no slaughtering may not be involved, please consider the following: Cows must still be (...
Sasho Andrijeski's user avatar
2 votes

If vegans don't drink milk, why are they okay with breastfeeding?

Regarding health: A mother's milk is ideally suited for their babies. The milk of an other species is not. It is now universally recognized that there is no commercial formula that can equal breast ...
Den's user avatar
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2 votes

How Long Have People Called Plant Milk "Milk"?

Sri Lanka Coconut milk has been a staple here for over a thousand years, (the Buddha visited here 2500 years ago), the Sinhala language dates from that time. The Sinhala word for milk is කිරි, (kiri). ...
C.S.Cameron's user avatar
2 votes

Food products with sparingly milked cows, to ensure the success and spread, and the preservation, of their population

Cattle (Bos taurus), like cats and dogs, are not natural species. As of 2021, there's one and a half trillion cattle. We have an unsustainable large number of cows on Earth. There are so many cattle ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
2 votes

Milk not associated to cow slaughter

It is commercially improbable that a business can keep cows living for 15+ years while their produce lifetime is between 6-8 years. The growing area to keep them outside the slaughtering house is ...
Thiago Macedo's user avatar
2 votes

Milk not associated to cow slaughter

As a summary: if slaughter of the cow which is the direct milk source is your only concern, then it might be possible to buy such milk. However, this does not mean at all that the milk is cruelty-free,...
CaroZ's user avatar
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1 vote

Milk not associated to cow slaughter

What is your location, if India or Sri Lanka you are in luck Here in Sri Lanka cattle may not be slaughtered until twelve years old. most milk is imported. Buffalo curd, (like extremely rich yogurt), ...
C.S.Cameron's user avatar
1 vote

Cruelty free protein enhanced milk for cats to base their diet on

I don't understand why you want to feed cow's milk to a cat that's not a baby. It's very easy (and cheap) to feed cats adequate protein. The only hard part of feeding a cat a vegan diet is the ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
1 vote

Does bean/pea milk made by just blending cooked beans/peas come out just as well as making it by blending soaked beans/peas and boiling them?

The filtering is done to remove the fibrous (indigestible) part of the beans. If you don't filter the mixture, the result is going to be more viscous, depending on the fibre content, dilution etc. The ...
Zanna's user avatar
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1 vote

If vegans don't drink milk, why are they okay with breastfeeding?

Breastmilk would only be considered a human product if women were forced to produce breastmilk to feed other babies or people. Breastmilk is naturally produced by most mothers. It is in every animal's ...
blushingivy's user avatar
1 vote

If vegans don't drink milk, why are they okay with breastfeeding?

These are two completely different matters and not linked in my perspective. Most of the vegans I have come across don't hate milk or oppose breast-feeding. They opt not to drink milk because of the ...
mVentures's user avatar
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