**Short answer:** most likely not. **Long answer:** A sudden transition from a vegetarian diet to a omnivorous one will clearly have some effects, as any sudden change in diet will have. According to [this article][1], these problems may appear: > A person might have a little problem if he or she started right out on > a huge steak. Their body might not have sufficient levels of the right > enzymes. Along the same lines, it can be hard to digest any large meal > after a long fast or period of starvation. However, there is a little (< 1%) chance of having meat allergy (indipendent of the fact one is Vegetarian or not): > A very few – less than one percent of the population – are allergic to > meats from common livestock, such as pork and beef. If a vegetarian > has this kind of allergy, she could have a reaction from just a speck > of these meats. [1]: http://sciencenordic.com/does-meat-make-vegetarians-ill