Questions tagged [soy]

Soy or soya is a legume eaten as immature edamame or mature whole soybeans, or prepared for consumption in many other forms such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk, and TVP. It is also used in the production of condiments such as tamari/soy sauce, miso, black bean sauce (made from fermented black soybeans), and liquid aminos. Unlike most other legumes, it contains all the essential amino acids.

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What is an easy recipe for homemade soy sauce?

I am looking for a recipe which produces soy sauce with a flavor equal to or greater than that found in store bought kikomann brand soy sauce It is okay if the soy sauce recipe requires many months of ...
Samuel Muldoon's user avatar
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Need help in transitioning to vegetarianism/veganism due to allergies. What choices do I have?

Preface I've spent a year as a vegetarian and I tried to go vegan (for the ethical argument), but I could only last about a month (28 days, to be precise). As the new year is coming, I'm wondering if ...
Joe-You-Know's user avatar
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What can I mix soy protein isolate with so it tastes better?

To follow a diet compatible with the type of physical activity that I do when training, I take more than a 100 g of protein per day. As a vegan, I could get tricky to reach this amount while staying ...
istepaniuk's user avatar
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Is eating soy linked to birth defects?

Some people say that consuming soy beans or soy bean products while pregnant can lead to birth defects such as hypospadia. Is this true? What does the most recent research say?
Nic's user avatar
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Does eating soy lower testosterone?

Some people claim that consuming soy lowers testosterone in men. This seems to be repeated by a lot of bloggers and YouTubers. Is there any truth to this? Is this supported by human or animal studies?
Nic's user avatar
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In Canada, how much soy for human consumption is GMO?

The first genetically-modified soybean was introduced two decades ago, and now upwards of 80% of soy cultivated around the world is GMO. We know that approximately 70% of soy currently produced is fed ...
Nic's user avatar
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Does nutrition information for unshelled edamame include or exclude the shell?

I am wondering whether the nutrition information for unshelled edamame - young soy beans - include the nutritional values for the shell or not.
expialidocious's user avatar
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Nutritional data for homemade Greek soy yogurt

I make homemade soy Labneh (AKA Greek yogurt) from soybeans by making soy milk, making yogurt from that milk and then straining out the liquids using a cheesecloth. The only ingredients are soybeans ...
Michal Tenenberg's user avatar
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What are the nutritional properties of soy "whey"?

Prompted by this question I would like to know what the nutritional properties of soy whey are. By soy whey I mean the nearly clear liquid left behind after soya milk has been coagulated to make tofu....
Zanna's user avatar
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What are some uses for soy 'whey'?

I was wondering what are some common uses for soy 'whey' (leftovers from the coagulation process when making tofu)? I usually use Calcium Chloride or lemon juice, for coagulation, if that makes a ...
nadavvadan's user avatar
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Uses for leftover soy pulp after preparing soy milk

I have just prepared my first batch of plastic free soy milk according to this recipe. After mushing the soaked and ground beans through a strainer, I have half a cup of solid residue left. I figure ...
henning's user avatar
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Which sort of soy milk makers automate the most steps?

Making soymilk (or nut milk) by hand calls for lots of blending, cooking and straining. Which machines or machine categories automate most of the steps? Are there non-industrial (i.e. consumer market)...
MatthewMartin's user avatar
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How does the cost of production of soya milk compare to cow's milk?

Raising a large animal seems, at first glance, like a much less efficient way to produce some kind of 'milk' than merely growing plants and processing them with machines. Yet somehow, where I live at ...
Alex Hall's user avatar
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Does eating or drinking too much soy cause men to develop breasts?

Years ago, I read a news article about a doctor and his male patient based in Texas which discussed the negative side effects of drinking too much soy milk. The patient developed 'man breasts' and was ...
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What is Tempeh?

I've seen tempeh in my vegan cookbook and hear that it comes from the soy plant. How does it vary from tofu if so? Is it something I can make at home or would I probably have to buy it?
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