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4 votes
3 answers

Would the global economic system collapse if the vegetarian diet became popular?

I am in one social group and someone is saying, "the global economic system would collapse if the vegetarian diet became popular in the world." Is this true? Is there any information from ...
Soheil Paper's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can a vegan ethically buy animal leather knowingly?

My persnickety grandma fancies a Steelcase office chair with 2 choices of seat material: Brisa ultrafabric or Elmosoft animal leather (see red underlines beneath). Steelcase apprised her that Elmo ...
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7 votes
2 answers

Does buying whey increase demand for dairy?

Is whey (the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained) a byproduct that does not increase demand for dairy? Is whey powder just a handy use for a food product that would otherwise go ...
Nic's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How quickly could veganism realistically grow?

How quickly could veganism realistically grow if changing attitudes wasn't the limiting factor? We've already heard that the world can't go vegan overnight, but if not overnight then how long? I'm ...
Nic's user avatar
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6 votes
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Does buying quinoa really take food away from people in Peru and Bolivia?

A few years ago there were articles in the news that the rising popularity of quinoa was driving up prices and making it inaccessible for people in Peru and Bolivia where it had long been a ...
Nic's user avatar
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3 votes
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Do apiculturists make more money from honey or pollination services?

Honey bees, specifically the European Honey Bee (apis mellifera), are often used in service of pollinating crops in large industrial monocultures. These bees also produce honey which is collected and ...
Nic's user avatar
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2 answers

How much is leather a byproduct of meat production?

I've heard variously that leather either comes from specific breeds of cattle or is mainly a byproduct of the beef industry. Which is true, and does it vary by region or other factors? If leather is ...
Nic's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

What options are available for vegan investing?

Since deciding to follow a vegan lifestyle I have already "put my money where my mouth is" by changing my consumption and purchasing habits to avoid products produced from animal slaughter and animal ...
Nic's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Does eating in a mixed buffet drive up meat demand, even if I only eat vegetarian dishes?

Some restaurants offer all-you-can-eat buffets consisting of both vegetarian/vegan and non-vegetarian dishes (e.g., many Asian-style restaurants, several US chains, hotel breakfasts). It's unclear to ...
Dominik Peters's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why are agricultural subsidies directed primarily towards animal agriculture?

In the US, 63% of agricultural subsidies support meat and dairy production1. I've heard that other countries also direct more money towards animal agriculture than to other agricultural activities. ...
nloewen's user avatar
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14 votes
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How does the cost of production of soya milk compare to cow's milk?

Raising a large animal seems, at first glance, like a much less efficient way to produce some kind of 'milk' than merely growing plants and processing them with machines. Yet somehow, where I live at ...
Alex Hall's user avatar
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2 answers

How much more would beef cost in the USA without government subsidies?

By government subsidies I mean money provided by the government (presumably originating from taxes) to farmers which artificially reduces the price of beef. This includes subsidies for animal feed ...
Alex Hall's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Is it cheaper to sustain a vegetarian diet? [closed]

In my country (Brazil) it is quite more expensive to buy a kg of any kind of meat compared to most of vegetables and fruits. Considering that and assuming it's true in most countries, is it safe to ...
MatheusJardimB's user avatar