My persnickety grandma fancies a Steelcase office chair with 2 choices of seat material: Brisa ultrafabric or Elmosoft animal leather (see red underlines beneath). Steelcase apprised her that
Elmo uses just Scandinavian cows. All Scandinavian cows are dairy cows and are born naturally, grass fed and natural feed. They aren't raised for their beef like South American cows.
We assume and agree that we can't definitively know the conditions of the cattle whence the hides were plucked. How'd we know if Elmo lies that they never kill a cow for its hide, but they can take it off a cow that dies of natural causes?
I chose Brisa, believing that 'the ideal world is one without animals and/or their products for consumption, regardless of how well they've been treated. [So I'm] are placing a negative value on their existence, and to be consistent[,] must believe it's better for them to not exist at all..
She'd pick artificial leather, but Steelcase doesn't offer it. Thus she's picking Elmosoft.
Her arguments that veganism doesn't forbid animal leather:
As long as you're not creating the demand for these industries, then I don't see any harm. But using animal products that you already have isn't against the concept, directly.