The product page for the shoes you described does not mention waterproofness anywhere. Did a store assistant promise you that they are waterproof? Or do you have any other reason to believe they are? Things usually are not waterproof by default.
The product page does not say what the material used is, only that it is synthetic and vegan, and there is quite a good chance that the material simply has worse waterproofing abilities than the leather in your previous pair.
One thing you can do is to buy an impregnating spray and impregnate the shoes yourself - it would be good to know the material your shoes are made of though as some of the impregnating products cannot be used on synthetic materials etc.
If the wetness is localised at your toes, this might indicate that there is a certain point or area of entry for the water - try to inspect the shoes for any signs of damage in these parts as this might be covered under your warranty.
While a long shot (since the shoes are probably just not waterproof) but your feet might also get a bit wet if the material your shoes are from is not breathable enough and so your feet simply sweat. You don't even have to be warm for this to happen and synthetic materials in general are quite prone to this breathability issue.